January 18, 2009
Happy me time
A day in a life of an employee who gets a birthday leave on a weekday . The BKK weather was still great. Just the perfect day to stay home and do jack all…It’s hard to get days like this.
7-ish AM:
Husband does his daily routine of kissing me goodbye before he leaves for work. Sometimes I’m aware, most times not. I was probably just semi-awake and thought I heard him wishing me happy birthday. It sounded far, far away. Remembered me mumbling (he said grunted) thank you and then rolled over with pillows on face. Continue to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
A call on my mobile phone. Hurriedly picked up and no sound on the other end. My ex-boss , JSeah had hung up and left me confused. Thought it was a call error. Went back to sleep and heard strings of text messages beeping thereafter. Managed to ignore all of it
Donut came for some snuggly time. Obliged and went back to sleep. He persisted a few more times by prancing all over me before he finally gave up.
Another text-message beep. Ignore and try to continue to zzzzzzz
Unwillingly dragged my ass to the bathroom to answer nature’s call. Quite awake by now and thought that I might as well get up.
Made coffee and a few moments later, our guest, Slowboat, emerged with a bright good morning and birthday wishes. He was ready to leave to start his day at the temple and was rushing off. Smell of freshly brewed coffee tempted him to stay and have a cuppa with me.
Made myself coffee with chocolate mint. Yummy
Slowboat left me to my own devices. Savour my coffee and decided to shower
12-ish PM:
Feeling great and humming “I feel good” in my head. Whole house to myself. Checked phone and had 4 SMS birthday wishes. Message from my ex-boss JSeah read: “ That was me calling with birthday wishes and pressure to have kids soon. This is your year of reckoning. Enjoy” …Right…he can be a bit boh liao to actually call and hung up.
Replied to everyone to thank them. Log on to the internet. Received 9 more wishes on FB and several on MSN. It’s nice to feel loved!
Andy decided she deserved some snuggle time and would not leave me alone. Indulged in the attention and she happily sprawled next to me and gave me THAT look when I stopped petting her.
Mum texted me a birthday wish…man, I miss her!
Realized that Andy left me some rashes after all that snuggling. She still hasn’t give up rubbing her nose to my face…I’m gonna pay through the nose for this. Violent sneezing has begun…
2-ish –to 5-ish:
Nothing on TV…spent an hour contemplating if I should vacuum, read a book or watch a movie. In the end, I vacuumed and mopped, finished reading “The Surgeon” (exciting book!) and watched a movie.
Husband appeared at 5.30 pm and wished me yet another Happy Birthday while I unglamourously sprawled myself on the couch. So sweet…he came home early for me!
6-ish to 8-ish:
Husband tormented me…asking me to decide if I wanna go out or stay home. Uhmm..tough one, this. I only make decisions in the office. Decided to pass on the decision to Slowboat since it was his last night in Bangkok. Smart Aleck Slowboat doesn’t want to cooperate. He said they should take me to the office so I can make the decision on this. WTF. No fair! *pout*pout*
Finally decided to go out for dinner as I feel like having fish. Husband tormented me again and asked me if I want my prezzie before or after we go out. Decisions, decision. Darn it! Growl. Growl.I left it to him to decide. He said 1 before and 1 after. Oh wow! Two prezzies!
A nano ipod was presented before we left for dinner, from faraway Holland (thanks Mom & Dad!). Yippee! My 6-year old, beat-up-non-functional without power I-Pod is finally replaced. Nice.
Slowboat gave me a book. Apparently, the bugger had ran all the way from Asok to Phrom Phong to make a dash for a bookstore right before it was closed. That’s almost a 1 km run. Silly boy!
Checked FB and there’s a total of more than 25 people who wrote on my wall. Awww…I feel so blessed.
1-ish AM:
Home after a quiet night out. Forgot about the other gift until Husband presented it. Was wondering when the hell was he in Singapore as the gift bore the logo of Lee Hwa. Sneaky, this one! But , I love the unique purple gold necklace. Simple and elegant. Just the way I like it.
A long entry this one…What a day! Time has suddenly lost its relevance and it’s only satisfying when you know that you can do this when everyone else is working! :p
Nice way to celebrate your birthday!