April 28, 2014
Hand-made leather shoes
This would not be my typical choice under normal circumstances, but I thought I first fell in love with its bright turquoise colour when I saw it from afar ; a colour I found to be really pleasing to my eyes. As I approached the modest shop front to take a closer look at the shoes, I discovered that the shoes looked a little bit more intricate than I would have ever expected.

Examining it closer, I realised that the base of the shoes is made of 100% leather (the outer “skin” covered by some sort of silk material) and no two shoes in the shop is exactly the same. I was also told that every single stitch on every single pair of shoes they have in their little shop was neatly and elegantly stitched-up by hand. I actually love the embroidery and bead work on the shoes too.
In fact, I love it so much that after trying it on and realising that it fit me to a T, I haggled on the price for a little bit and paid 30 dirham (about 300 baht) for a pair. It is also cool that the each of the shoes are made for either left OR right foot – which means it doesn’t matter which one goes to which foot because either one fits on both feet.
There’s only 1 thing I need to do – I need to will myself to actually wear this shoes as regularly as I can, to season it out because since I acquired it when I was in Dubai, I had only worn it once. I had completely forgotten all about it till a few days ago.
It still is a pretty little number though.