March 19, 2014

Hailstorm in Loei

Category: Weather

A couple of days ago, a massive hailstorm hit Loei and destroyed more than 500 houses, car and properties. Mother Nature seems to be acting up. Article can be found here.

The pictures that have been circulating around have been pretty surreal, and made it seem as if it has been snowing in the Northeastern part of Thailand.

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Source: Twitter

I have never been to Loei, but colleagues have told me that Loei is beautiful and serene. In fact, its temperature is almost always comfortably cool. It is also one of the fewer places in Thailand which gets decidedly cold during the cool season as temperatures could plummet to zero degree celsius! I would love to make it there some day

Bangkok in the meantime, is going into the really hot and humid season. The heat is getting a little bit too warm for my liking. This is my least favourite time of the year.  Time to plan for that holiday out of Thailand.


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