August 19, 2015
Grubbs ‘n Critters Monthly Feature #3 in World of Moms: Breastfeeding – How Difficult Could That Be?
The 3rd installment of my monthly feature on World of Moms is now out.
This month, I thought I’d commemorate the annual World Breastfeeding Week from 1-7 August (source: WHO), with a post of related to breastfeeding even though I have long retired from it. It’s a subject close to my heart. It’s something I’m really passionate about; so passionate that I balk in disgust when I see companies of infant milk powder continue to deliberately push their efforts to educate pregnant moms about the benefits of infant milk powder even before their babies are born.
While I’m not a breastfeeding Nazi and in no way am I judging/belittling moms who choose infant milk powder, I do think that such marketing efforts to target moms in their early stages of pregnancy are so, so very wrong and unethical. Breast is best. NO question about it.

But! Breastfeeding is hard. It was one of the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and I was not prepared for it. What new moms need prior to giving birth is the reality of how complex breastfeeding can be, not just how wonderful the entire experience is or how every women should be able to do it so very easily.
After what I have been through, I am no longer surprise why so many moms give up on it. I almost did, and I know others who have. It is my hope that every new moms or moms-to-be reach out to understand and be aware of the potentially difficult breastfeeding experience so that they don’t give up so easily (unless of course, they have been diagnosed as being medically unfit for it).
Read my perspective on World of Moms here.
What is WOM:
World of Moms (WOM) aspires to bring together like-minded women who believe that sharing experiences doubles the joy of parenting, reduces the agonies associated with motherhood, helping moms to find peer moms to resolve their queries, make parenting fun, grow their businesses and create a one stop shop for all their needs.
It is a place to connect, share experiences, give and get advice, vent anonymously and discover all that this place has to offer. And if you have a little time to spare, do browse through the site for there are much more things to be discovered. You may just like what you see! Don’t forget to share them.