June 20, 2014

Green with Vanity

One of my must-do thing whenever I am back in Singapore is to fix an appointment with my hair-dresser to get my hair done. My last trip back home a couple of weeks ago was of no exception, and I know for a fact that no matter how busy his day is, he would always, always squeeze in a slot for me.

Joe has been my hairdresser for at least 15 years now. He knows my hair, he knows what I want, he isn’t shy to give me his opinion  of what he thinks would suit me, he never try to hard-sell me on superficial treatments , products or unnecessary work that would damage my hair and he takes care of my hair very, very well. Finding that one right hair-dresser is HARD. So hard that I truly do believe that  landing yourself a really good hairdresser is akin to finding the perfect partner, or perhaps even harder than  finding that partner. I have been really lucky with mine.

Believe it or not, unless extremely dire, I would not bother to get my hair done in Bangkok. My experience in Bangkok has not been all that good and the very few desperate state I was in to get my hair fixed by a local hairdresser,  the cut was quite poorly done or my hair was left damaged. Joe would always get exasperated and grumble about the condition of my hair when he had to do a “rescue-job” every time I did my hair here. I have stopped trying my luck with the local hair salon here since, and would only trust Joe with every single strand of hair on my head.

The one thing which Joe vehemently refused to do for me is to cut my hair short, but would obliged to most of my requests. This time round, I asked for something a little bolder but subtle and something…well… green. Although a  bit surprised, he acceded to my request and after 3 hours of sitting in his salon, I could not have been more pleased with the results.

It was bold. It was subtle. And it was GREEN. He created an effect such that the colour could only been seen under a light and at a certain angle – one would have to have a very keen eyes to even notice it. So subtle that no one (and I really mean not a single soul!)  actually noticed my dark green streak on my head until one of my mommy-friends who came to Squirt’s birthday party commented on it. By then, I have truly forgotten about it and was quite impressed that she has been quite observant. She told me she likes it too!

Green is not a colour I have experimented with before and with my current hairstyle,  I have been coined as a “Mom with an attitude”. I coin it as my temporary mid-life crisis.


The streak does get ever so slightly lighter these days. The shading still appears subtle,  and you’d probably have to squint hard to see it.Green is my new black. I’m thinking that next time I go back to Joe’s, my green is going to be BOLDER.

My hairdresser rocks! And I KNOW I can get away with it.

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