February 11, 2009
Flu Bug
We were in Singapore last week to visit as well as attend my bro’s, OnePerang engagement. It was a short visit, but apparently not short enough to catch the flu bug. It all started with innocent little coughs …
Silver Bullet somehow caught a nasty cold on the day of OnePerang’s engagement. He started feeling the giddies in the early afternoon, but felt much worse in the early evening. All hell broke loose with fever and puking in tow. He looked so miserable as he was building up furnace-like temperature almost the entire night. I wasn’t worried when I tended to him thinking that since I have been having an on-off cold in the past two months, I would be less susceptible to getting another cold this time round. While Silver Bullet improved the next day, the initial symptoms of a cold were making its mark on me. We got back to Bangkok sneezing our heads off and coughing our lungs out. It seems we had caught a very nasty flu bug this time. I was rendered immobile as soon as we got home with fever soaring like there’s no tomorrow. My head felt like it was about to explode as my eyes seemed like they were ready to pop right out of their sockets and my entire body ached like I’ve been hit by shrapnel of needles. With such a nasty cold, both Silver Bullet and I had never looked so pathetic together. It was a sorry sight as we both sat miserably paralyzed on the couch, just being really sick out our sorry ass, and me, drifting in and out of sleep the entire day. Granted, Silver Bullet had a head start on this and had slightly recovered faster than me. Mom said that my bro also felt ill the night we left. We wonder how many other people caught the flu bug.
ErH..NoW I NoTiCe ThE ReSeMbleNcE WiTh U n FuDgE… No WonDeR Shes HoOkEd To U…LikE MoThEr n Son!.. waKaKaK!
the resemblance is coz she’s as cute as me :p