October 15, 2016
Which Comes First? The Chicken or The Egg?
Here’s what I think: Screw that chicken-egg question. Instead, try asking:
How can a chicken be made outside of an (egg) shell?
Huh?! You must be thinking that I have completely lost my marbles. But before you judge, I implore you to watch this 3:17 minute YouTube video. I bet that this will blow your mind!
Then again, perhaps you already knew that already! Still. Freaky, cool eh!
Not that Spud has not been asking about the chicken-egg question already and she really has been mulling over this question for several months now (off and on). When she does ask again, she’s got this look on her face as if she’s been painstakingly thinking about it, wanting a clear and definite answer.
Unfortunately, there are some things in life that just don’t have any concrete answers. I think I’m going to show her this video and go confuse the crap out of her.
Poor kid. That’s a billion dollar question. Even in the video that egg had to come from somewhere, so…good luck, lol.
Hahhaha! I showed her the video and she almost came to a conclusion the egg came first for the chicken to come out. Then she stopped herself and thought the chicken need to release the egg too…and she got upset the video did not answer her question. :p But I told her the video was not a chicken-egg-first question. LOL. Oh boy!