June 10, 2016

Fabulous Friday Flavour: Curry Marinated Chicken in Mustard-Paprika-Coconut Milk Sauce

Category: Grubbecipes

The cook in me craved for a home-cooked meal especially since I’ve had a cooking hiatus more than 2(!) weeks before we settled into our new home. Unless on vacation, it has never been that long. 

Armed with a small stash of regularly used spices in one of our suitcases while waiting for the rest of our shipment and even more stash of treasured spices to arrive, I decided that I’d have enough to make a little meal out of them. We may have only moved in to a barely furnished home, but a bare home does not mean a bare kitchen, no?

Plus, we inherited a pretty decent kitchen too from the previous owner and my mother-in-law has readied several pots and pans.We even have those pots and pans kept in a rotating cabinet. Super cool.   How can I ever not cook? I cannot NOT cook. That’s just preposterous!

My Dutch Kitchen
And my rotating pots & pan cabinet. Sweet!

Feeling already slightly better from my eye infection, I made sure that we stock the kitchen up with other basics from the local supermarket. The beauty of the Dutch supermarket is that most fresh ingredients have been cleaned and cut,  ready to be cooked. Lots of precious prep time saved. Brilliant! 

The essential spices I had brought along in our luggage weren’t too many; there were those that were left in our fridge untouched by the movers. They consisted of curry powder from Singapore, turmeric (fresh and powdered),  tamarind (fresh and dried) and dried anchovies. Not nearly enough, but I suppose that one could get creative.

With those, I whipped up 2 types of dishes for our very first home-made meal: 

Chicken marinated with curry powder and then baked with mustard-paprika based sauce drenched in coconut milk


A stir-fried vegetable medley of potatoes, long beans and capsicum using only the pre-packed fresh ingredients from the Dutch supermarket.




It wasn’t like they were the best meals of the century or meals to remember because they tasted out of this world. In fact, I almost didn’t want to take any pictures because I thought it wasn’t that special. But Silver Bullet had had egged me on with this being a meal to remember because they were the very first home-made food I had made in our new home, using only a few essentials and still turned out pretty darn decent.

For that, he thought that they deserved a recognition, even if only for nostalgic reasons.

Here we go with my virgin creation of  Curry Marinated Chicken in Mustard-Paprika Sauce drenched in Coconut Milk. 

Curry Marinated Chicken in Mustard-Paprika-Coconut Milk Sauce
Serves 4
A dish created out of necessity with the bare minimum of spices available for a great meal!
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
1 hr 30 min
Total Time
1 hr 35 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
1 hr 30 min
Total Time
1 hr 35 min
  1. 8-10 pieces chicken legs
  2. 1 tbsp curry powder
  3. Half a tspn salt
  4. 1 red onion, sliced coarsely
  5. I small garlic, chopped finely
  6. 2-3 tbsp dijon mustard
  7. 1 tbsp smoked paprika powder
  8. 200 ml coconut milk
  9. 1 tbsp butter
  10. Salt & Pepper to taste
  11. Toppings: A handful of grated cheese and sprigs of fresh parsley leaves
  1. Rub garlic, curry powder and salt evenly on the chicken pieces.
  2. Set aside to marinade for 10 minutes. Put the chicken in a foil, loosely crimp the edges and bake them in the oven on high for about 30 minutes.
  3. Then open up the foil to brown the chicken for another 15-20 minutes
  4. In a hot pan, melt butter and saute the sliced onions till translucent
  5. Add in the smoked paprika and powder and stir well. Be careful not to burn it
  6. Use the juices from the baked chicken and mix into the pan.Transfer the chicken to a separate dish and keep them in the oven on medium
  7. Add in Dijon mustard to the pan and mix well. Then add in the coconut milk and cook for about 5 minutes
  8. Add salt and pepper to taste
  9. Add some water if ou prefer a thinner sauce
  10. Bring out the chicken from the oven and pour the mustard-Paprika-Coconut Milk sauce all over the chicken. You'll see a nice run of liquid in your dish
  11. Lastly, sprinkle a handful of grated cheese on top and finish it off with parsley leaves
  12. Put the dish back in the oven for another 5-10 minutes before serving
  13. Can be eaten as the main accompanied by a side of a vegetable dish.
  1. Using a foil to bake the chicken would keep the chicken moist and is a method I highly recommend. Watch the oven temperature towards the end or you'll end up burning the cheese topping like I did!
Grubbs n Critters http://grubbsncritters.com/

The top looked slightly burnt and my chicken looked a little dry there as I was still getting used to my new oven. It was the first time I hung out with it and did not pay much attention while baking it. Duh! I guess it’ll take a bit more tries before she and me sync up.

Otherwise, this dish has been a small delight and this has given me a few more recipe inspiration using a variety of other easy-to-find ingredients as well. Hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did. I’ll be posting the vegetable dish for another time.

Watch this space for more Fabulous Friday Flavours!

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  1. Sounds yummy! And I totally agree with Silver Bullet! I like your spacious kitchen. Can’t wait to see your newest creation, influenced with Dutch cuisine. Welcome home!

    • The kitchen is apparently huge for Dutch standard. :p I can’t complain. I’m itching for an induction stove though! Hehehhee! I think I’d make a massacre of a dutch cuisine, Jas. LOL. xxx.


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