June 26, 2015

Fabulous Friday Flavour: Buttered Spinach Rice

Leafy vegetables don’t work very well with the kids in our household. When they see them big, green and full of leaves being placed next to their food, the kids have the tendency to either pick them out from their plates or spit them out like they are the most vile-tasting poison they could ever have! A bloody irritating habit. A habit which did not exist till about 6 months ago when they discovered the joys of eating green veg.

But! They forget that I am mom. A mom always has a plan and a mom always figures things out! And, I refuse to be out-smarted by little imps over a bunch of leafy greens that are (obviously) good for their health.

Saddled with my evil laugh and a devious con-scheme involving a bunch of fresh, juicy,  leafy white spinach, I set myself on a mission of come hell or high water, these kids of mine ARE going to be eating their greens – all disguised in a more vibrant-looking white rice!

No picking out, no complains, no questions asked. They eat their spinach rice like it is the most natural and delicious things ever made for them. Mom – 1, Imps – 0.

Buttered Spinach Rice
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  1. 3-4 cups of uncooked rice
  2. A bunch of white spinach, rinsed and chopped up
  3. 1-2 tbsp butter
  1. Rinse the uncooked rice till the water is less murky.
  2. Dump the uncooked rice into a rice-cooker followed by the chopped spinach. Mix to combine.
  3. Use enough water for the rice and turn the rice-cooker on.
  4. When it is cooked, add in butter and mix well over the rice.
  5. Serve along with other side dish. You can always freeze the left-over rice into smaller containers and heat them up for later use.
Grubbs n Critters http://grubbsncritters.com/

The beauty of this is that you can always add soup or other proteins to eat with it. Add a little salt if you wish for a little more flavour. It’s a good alternative to the otherwise boring white rice for adults, too!

#FoodieFriDIYs  #HomeMatters  #SWHOP  #Blogshare



Next week is our Monthly Mystery Munchies week with Gen of Eat, Play, Clove happening on 1st Friday of every month where we’ll be posting up our recipe(s) from several ingredients/theme which we both had agreed upon. The twist is we don’t know what the other person would be dishing up and we’ll be posting it up about the same time. Gen came up with the challenge this time. The heat is on! Don’t forget to pop by! ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted by:    |    8 Comment
  1. Your blog is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. And thanks too for visiting my blog.

  2. Yum! Our tot LOVES baked spinach (spinach in bechamel sauce) he can’t get enough of it! I might try chucking some rice in that to fill his tummy a little more.

    • Ooohh..bechamel. That can be good! Rice never fails to fill up the tummy and luckily they are pretty affordable here! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. I love this recipe, I’ll have to try it. I’ve been eating a lot more spinach so this is perfect. Pinned!

  4. Ooo! This looks good! Thanks so much for taking the time to link up over at the #HomeMattersParty – we hope to see you again on Friday!


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