April 23, 2013
Eavesdropping Spud
Spud was due for another vaccination some time last month, and after the deed (which she cried really hard the moment the poke her with the needle), I thought I’d indulge her with us having dinner outside before we came home.
It was nothing fancy – I took her to a food court at the hospital, and for Spud, that in itself is a novelty as it eating out seemed like a treat as opposed to eating at home. Barely 5 minutes into her meal, she then decided that she had to go to the bathroom for a pee. I was a little surprised, given that she had already gone to the bathroom before we sat down at the food court – which was barely 5 minutes ago!
I couldn’t say no. With the toilet being quite a distance away, and given that there were only the two of us, there was no way we could leave our stuff (along with newly bought, almost untouched food) on the table to head out to the bathroom.
I didn’t want the cleaner to clean our table, and I was lucky to be able to inform one of the cleaners not to clean our table just yet before I rushed Spud to the toilet. To Spud’s credit, she peed.
We then walked back to the food court to finish off her meal. Barely another 5 minutes passed since we claimed our spot at the food court again , Spud announced that she very badly needed to poo. I asked if she could wait, but that was merely a rhetorical question. Arrgggh!!!
Again, I couldn’t say no – but it was inconvenient to say the least. We had to leave her food twice in a span of 10 minutes! When she finally sat on the toilet, not 5 seconds had passed and Spud looked at me with her dopey eye and went, “Poo not coming anymore. Poo went back inside.”
This was the part when I wanted to bang my head against the toilet door. I couldn’t get angry, and couldn’t decide whether to laugh or to cry.
I choked a chuckle. I then hung my head in defeat…what’s a mother supposed to even say to that?!