The comments in Spud’s daily journal written by her Homeroom teacher the other day left me scratching my head. The last sentence left me a little confused, and I thought I should speak to her teacher to understand what had really happened when I dropped her off the next day. I did not see any cuts or bruises on Spud when I tucked her in bed that evening.
I think her Homeroom teacher had the same plan, for when I got to the school, her teacher was ready to explain to me what had happened. She explained that Spud was sitting all by herself in the classroom while waiting for the school bus. All of a sudden, she fell off the bench (or chair) that she was sitting on and hit head on the corner of a cupboard nearby. Being the clutz that Spud usually is, I am not surprised and I told the teacher so. And this is where it got interesting.
The story told by her teacher went like this:
Right after she fell off and hit herself, Spud had apparently gotten very upset. She cried quite hard, and as her teacher attended to her, Spud was wailing her guts out with a, “I fell down like Humpty Dumpteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
Oh boy. How I guffawed! Spud who was standing next to me while her Homeroom teacher was relating the story started laughing as well. With a big, cheeky grin on her face, she then promptly repeated that she “had fallen like Humpty Dumpty yesterday”. Still laughing away, I then teased her if she could be put back together again; to which she promptly replied with a yes.
Laughing as heartily as I was, her teacher then said that they sing the Humpty Dumpty song every day, and Spud always enjoys the singing and dancing session. It then occurred to me that perhaps, just perhaps, Spud must have played the whole Humpty Dumpty song in her head (action and all) as she was sitting idly on the bench while pretending to be Humpty Dumpty.
Of course, that was only my theory, but it is exactly stories like that makes my day. If only I can see what actually goes on in that pretty, toddler head of her!