March 30, 2013
Earth Hour
Two Saturdays ago, the world observed Earth Hour as people around the globe turned off their lights at 8.30pm local time for a whole hour.
The entire Bangkok did not plunge into total darkness – almost every building had their lights burning bright. However, here in our residence, we made it a point to join in the cause by lighting candles for several hours. Ironically, we couldn’t find any lighters lying around, so I had to use the fire from the stove to light our tea-lights!
I stumbled upon this article here on iconic landmarks which had plunged into darkness during Earth Hour. The before-and-after effect is quite cool. Read the article here.
Meantime, here’s a reminder to think a little bit more about the environment – let’s just once in a while, please give a crap and not wait for the annual Earth Hour to happen.