February 5, 2009
Discretion, Discretion
While social networking sites are highly addictive and engaging, it pays to exercise some discretion. One famous site which shall not be named here, has more than 150 million active users. No doubt that it is an interesting way to keep up with friends and admittedly, I am guilty of being an active member. But, practise some caution when posting stuff up, lest you unwittingly offend other people. Worse, get fired or killed . There has already been instances where privacy and security were compromised before. So, just a word of caution here: be careful what you post up there. Not everything is for the world to know – less is more.
Of course, it has to be said that social networking sites seems to be the in-thing, especially for the kaypos* out there. You can snoop and get away with it.
* Busybody or a nosey parker