January 24, 2009
Devil Curry
Category: Recipe
A Eurasian cuisine I believe of Portuguese influence, was exposed to me a long time back where my Eurasian ex-boss had once cooked it over Christmas. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to try it as it was cooked with pork. Had long forgotten about it. Stumbled upon this in Southeast Asian Food cookbook, a gift from Silver Bullet. Think he got tired of me asking him what to cook every time :p. Not knowing what to expect, I experimented this dish with some improvisation and boy! was it good. Certainly not for the faint-hearted.

Devil Curry
2015-07-15 10:30:00

- chicken cut into pieces
- 4-5 tbsp oil
- 1 large onion sliced
- 1 inch fresh ginger root, peeled & sliced
- 3 cloves garlic, sliced
- 1 – 1 1/2 cups of water
- 1 1/2 tspn brown mustard seed, grounded
- 1/4 cup white vinegar or to taste
- 1-2 tspn sugar to taste
- 2 tbsp yellow mustard
- Taters, quartered
- Salt to taste
A) Marinade for chicken
- 1 tspn light soy sauce
- 1 tspn dark soy sauce
- Dash of Worcestershire sauce
- Pepper to taste
- B) Spice Paste (blend/grind all)
- 30 dried chillies and soaked in warm water and drained
- 10 shallots
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 inch fresh ginger, coarsely chopped
- 1/2 tspn ground tumeric
- Marinate the chicken in (A). Mix in all thoroughly and set aside
- Heat in the oil and fry the onions, ginger and garlic till golden brown and fragrant
- Add (B) and stir-fry till everything is fragrant
- And the chicken and all of the marinade and fry them all for a few minutes
- Add water as it cooks dry and cover to simmer till chicken is nearly cook.
- Add mustard seeds, yellow mustard, vinegar and sugar to taste
- Mix in the taters and continue cooking till they are cooked. Salt to taste
- Serve with bread or rice
- Variations to this recipe include using 10 fresh chillies and 10 dried chillies instead. I came across some recipes that has chilli padi in it on top of the many dried chillies. I suppose it’s not called Devil Curry for nothing!
Grubbs n Critters http://grubbsncritters.com/
All your recipes sound wonderful, no tasteful! We need to buy a blender and hope to get more time in the future to try them all.
Try it, try it. Let me know how it turns up!