February 17, 2009

Craving for Mee Goreng

Category: Food

Suddenly hit by a pang of intense desire for an Indian Mee Goreng that I immediately hit the Google image button to refresh my memory of what a good Mee Goreng would look like. Found this to be the best looking image since it seems to have all the ingredients of a proper Indian Mee Goreng. It’s bright red and greasy with plenty of meat bits in there.

Must..must..must have Mee Goreng. The craving will intensify and in the next few days, I’ll be completely pre-occupied with thoughts of sinking my teeth into a greasy plate of Mee Goreng. I’m up in shit’s creek to satisfy my cravings in this country. Can someone please Fedex me a fresh plate of Mee Goreng, please. Preferably the one from Shah Alam in Boat Quay.

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