March 30, 2011
Cloth Diapering: Starting Out
If like me, you are clueless about cloth diapering and how many to start with, this post might be able to give you an idea of the quantity you may need.
- For full-time diapering, and IF you are doing your laundry daily, then 12 would be sufficient.
- However, if you are washing every 2-3 days, then minimum 20-2 5 are needed.
I got the above tips in an email none other from the owner of Mommy Knows Best. Those words of wisdom certainly helped me loads in terms of budgeting as well as having some idea as to how many of those we would need.
The thing is, they do dry rather quickly, and if the sun is really strong, they usually are dry and ready for use within half a day!
I actually ended up buying 14 in total. As a part-time diaperer, the quantity is sufficient to tide me over 2-3 days if I wash them every other day (To be fair, our nanny does most of the washing and we do it only over the weekends. Well…sometimes. :p).
I’m thinking that even if I do cloth diapering only half the time, I am already saving some money as well as the environment (I hope!) in the long run.
For me, it helps to have a rough guideline when starting out, but as I found out along the way, like any other things associated with babies and parenting, it could simply be a matter of trial and error and what works best for you.