August 11, 2015

A Cats’ Affair

Category: Cats

Relax! This is not abuse.

This is just a picture of one of our grumpy cats, Andy, who (yes, we humanised them!) at the point when this picture was being taken, was just getting one of her annual vaccination and then being micro-chipped recently. She didn’t like it very much.

She may be the lightest (but the fluffiest) of the 3 but she struggled HARD to get away from all the human clutches on her and almost got away. She sent her deathly stares while at it and she grunted hard as she was being held down. Because she struggled so hard, the micro-chip almost did not get through and the vet had to spend twice the amount of time on her versus the other 2. 

She  is also the weirdest of the 3 and the only human she’s ever liked is Silver Bullet. She barely tolerates the other 2 cats and refused to associate herself with the kids. She runs away when she sees them. Sometimes, for no reason at all, when she decides that she is going to just sit a few inches away from me, she would bite my hand if I accidentally brushed against her. That hurts. (Physically and emotionally!tsk.tsk.tsk)

One of her weirdest trait is that she doesn’t know how to groom herself like normal cats do. She also doesn’t scratch and this had resulted in her claws growing into her paw pads if we don’t check on her regularly. She doesn’t like to be cleaned or brushed and as a result, we have to send her to the groomers to untangle her tresses and get her claws trimmed regularly; failing which we would have to send her for an emergency claw treatment. And we have had to do that several times when other things in life took over. 

Otherwise, Andy is a happy cat. Happy to be away from us humans and the other cats, but would occasionally creep up to Silver Bullet (and only Silver Bullet) when she feels that she needs some human affection. She would often snuggle up to him while we sleep and only next to him. She disappears at the speed of the light whenever she hears any of the kids coming into our room – never mind that she is soundly asleep.

At 9 years old now, I think the kids have tired her out. Sometimes, she allows me to pet her; but that’s quite a rare occurrence. I often think that it must be her one of her brief moment of insanity when she does that. That’s Andy for you.

So. We finally sorted out the cats’ affair with getting them their annual rabies vaccination (we lapsed for 2 months because we forgot as the vet did not call us – and they usually do!), as well as getting them micro-chipped. While micro-chipping is not a necessity for house-bound cats, we thought that it’s probably a good thing to do, just in case

Next would be a combined vaccine of feline flu and something, plus a dose of ringworm vaccine for all 3 cats. I reckon they would not like it very much! But then again, it’s a must. Not Negotiable. Luckily for us, veterinary costs here in Bangkok are more than just affordable. Micro-chipping cost a bit more, but for normal vaccinations, we don’t usually spend more than 300 Baht (about 12 SGD) per cat. 

Like our kids, we’ll always say yes! to vaccination. Vaccinate your kids, vaccinate your pets. Vaccinations save life – if not their own, it’s others. 

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  1. Lux

    Aw. What a cutie. Our dogs get all the vaccination they need too. 🙂

  2. This reminded me that my cat is behind on his vaccinations. (They didn’t call me either!) Percy is such a bear when it comes to the vet that I dread taking him. He usually ends up in a contraption similar to this when he goes in. Luckily, we finally found a vet that he likes and doesn’t take his attitude. I agree 100% about vaccination.

    • Hahaaa! Glad to be of a reminder service! They should have called! Must be something about the vet. What’s his secret? Totally on vaccination!!!


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