February 10, 2015
#Blogging 201: Dig Deep into a Social Network
A 30-day plan. Hmmmm….
A 30-day plan!
A THIRTY-day plan?!
Coming from #Blogging 201 latest assignment to pick one social network I’ll use to help grow my blog (done!), connecting it to my site (getting there! as I have just realised that the buttons I have are not quite linking to anywhere!) and THEN outline a 30-day plan for how I’ll use it feels like a full-time job in itself. The irony of having to actually plan for myself considering that I do it for a living…yet I suck at it when it comes to planning things for me.
Today’s post in response to the assignment essentially was meant to be no more than half an hour of effort, but I found myself getting caught up in the vortex of information and getting distracted with what others have been up to in The Commons. All in all, 2 whole hours spent getting lost in dozens of new interesting blogs I got curious in, scrolling information from other classmates, and no closer to coming up with a 30-day plan. So much for planning!
I have long decided that I’m not going to link up my blog to Facebook – there are just too many “friends” if you know what I mean. Besides, creating a FB page specifically for my blog would need quite a bit of time commitment; a luxury which I don’t have. So that’s completely off my list.
Twitter has been my preferred platform and even though I have been on Pinterest for a while now and really liking it, I have hardly used it because I cannot squeeze any more time in between work, kids and other crazy stuff to spend yet more time on another platform.
I like Twitter for its simplicity and its round-the-clock updates, but I have always tend to be quite selective with the stuff I tweet mainly keeping it to recipes and mostly re-tweeting other people’s shit. I have been keeping it to the minimum mainly because I haven’t gathered enough guts – I mean, what if I tweet something really stupid? That would just be too embarrassing for my already fragile and non-existent ego!
Actually, the first time a Twitter Superstar followed me (and I didn’t know who he was then), I was in shock. I wondered why he bothered because my existence in the Tweeter world is insignificant. I still don’t know why and it’s nice to be followed by an influencer even though I have nothing much to give. I’m surprised he has not unfollow me yet, but this guy tweets some of the most thought-provoking, hilarious and really useful stuff!
With this new assignment though, I guess that habit is about to change! So, here’s me, taking a deep, deep solemn breath, gathering shameless guts and invoking my occupational calling in planning with Twitter as my weapon of choice (for now!) to do the following:
- I’ll start following other Bloggers who are on Twitter
- I’ll publicize *most* of my posts
- I’ll update at least twice a day as supplementary content and featuring recipes every Friday
- I’ll share other bloggers’ posts at least 2x a week.
- I’ll upload one photo every week (photo-worthy permitting!)
- I’ll start creating a list on Twitter
And, if you are following me @GrubbsnCritters, I’ll be happy to re-tweet your stuff, too! How’s that for some gutsy deal? (just don’t give me grief about my Follow Twitter buttons yet on my blog because it’s really late now and I’ll need to get help on it!)