February 12, 2015
#Blogging 201: The Buddy System
Today’s assignment is quite an interesting one where we are encouraged to find a blogging buddy. Subsequently, if appropriate, plan to publish guest posts on one another’s blog.
I feel like I’m in primary school all over again.
The part when you see other kids playing, and you are standing quietly in the corner, hoping someone would notice you and ask you if you want to play. Your eyes would light up, and in your excitement, get overtly enthusiastic about it all.
And, if you realise no one notices you, you go up to the one kid who also happens to be standing alone (or not!) in the corner, walk over, extend your hand, and with a shy smile on your face, ask in a low voice in anticipation of yes as the answer with, “Would you like to be my friend?”
Or if you are the shameless type, you’ll just walk upfront to the crowd and holler, “Who wants to play with me???”
And if there is no one to play with you, you retreat back into your corner, hang your head in disappointment because you think nobody likes you and then start playing with the little dusts that had settled around you and having conversations with yourself.
My first thought to a buddy trailed off to a good friend of mine, Estelea, who got me hooked on this Blogging University thing. I told her that of course, she could say no, but that would left me sobbing hard in despair!
This assignment, if anything, is actually out of my comfort zone, but I figured, sometimes, it really is just about that – getting out of your comfort zone. Excuse me while I cringe and shudder at myself while at this because calling out for people to be my buddy or talking to random strangers is just something I don’t do.
While scrolling through conversations wondering how other people go about this assignment, I stumbled upon several links from other bloggers who are hosting events on their site – an assignment which I decided to skip as I don’t think I have anymore bandwidth to host an event on my site.
The thing is, while trolling around these events, I found a few interesting initiatives which I thought I really like. But, somehow, along the way, forgot where I have stumbled upon them because I have been too distracted to save them all in my bookmarks and thinking that my mighty brain would remember them all. Dead wrong!
So, this is my effort to not only help me remember where those events are held, but to also spread the love so you can check them out and see if you want to participate in their events. These are a few of my favourites because they are so easy and fuss-free to take part in:
- #Take a Step Thursday
- #Re-Blog Wednesday
- #My Expat Family
- #FoodieFriDIYs
- Living Intentionally Simple – Not quite an event per se, but Sereiland takes guest-post based on her blog schedule and if you think you have something that you want to write, but don’t quite fit your own blog, she’s open to featuring guest blogger. I owe her a piece and I need to get round to that!
- #Show Your World
And then, there’s the bit about getting on to other blogging platform and one of the recurring to-be or not-to-be questions is getting on bloglovin. Michelle Webber one of the hosts running Blogging University gave a good run-down on what bloglovin is all about here. From something I thought that isn’t quite necessary (what?! not another platform to explore! My head is about to explode!), Michelle left me contemplating on it. Dammit.
So here’s to getting out of your comfort zone and exploring the unknown! Here’s to linking up and making new friends. May your head don’t ever explode and may the force be with you.
And oh! By the way, would you like to be my buddy….*soft, tiny voice*. I promise I won’t cry a river if you say no…:D
I don’t think I’ll host an event, but I will, however, be more than happy to link you up here or feature your posts if you would have me. All you need to do is ask. See you around!

Hi there Ann! Thank you so much for the pingback! 😀 First of all, I LOVE your blog design! It’s so easy to navigate through and so personalized with the design.
Secondly, I really enjoyed reading your post. As you can probably guess, I’m a bit behind on my Blogging 201 coursework as I’ve only just created my event today.
I did skim through the buddy system assignment today morning and I completely agree with you, it seems very daunting indeed.
At the risk of sounding too forward (HA!), I would love to be your buddy. I’ve been meaning to write something a short travel-related post for a few days. Maybe we can collaborate on that? What do you think ?
Why yes! Let me know how you want to go about it because I’m clueless! And thank you for being forward. 😀
And thank you for the kind words, too! I love the design too and I take no credit for the actual work behind it, really. My designer-in-crime is responsible for this. She’ll be thrilled. 🙂
I’ve been a bit slack with Blogging 201 due to all the madness of renovations here at home but I’ll be your buddy if you like? I don’t mind if you say no!
Oops… sorry Ann, I didn’t see Thistles and Whistles’ comment!
Hahaha!! Im saying yes. The more the merrier! 😀
Thanks Jen! Although I have no idea where to start, so let me know what you have in mind.
Renos can be a nightmare – but hey! you’ll have a spanking new kitchen pretty soon. Imagine the wonderful food that would come out of it and I’m looking forward to see the magic comign out from your kitchen!
Hello!!! Thank you so much for the Ping back to my blog link up 🙂 I’d love you to come and share a post 🙂
No problem! I love the event you created and there’s always some stories of life as an expat. I will definitely try to share a post – once I get my act together! :p
Most welcome, Seychelles’s mom! Funny I thought I replied to your comment(or I must have been dreaming!) and then realised in my dashboard that I haven’t! Sorry for the late reply. I’ll certainly be looking forward to share a post with you – but I’ll need to get my act together first! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
What a great post! I love that you shared some events of fellow bloggers, as I’ve been having trouble keeping up with all the posts in the Commons. The blogging event and buddy assignments tap into exactly what you wrote about, here: that childhood fear that many of us never recover from, of being rejected by our peers!
Thank you Glynis. 🙂 It’s almost impossible to keep up with posts in The Commons. Thanks for stopping by. And I really like the name of your blog! 😀
Thank you for the ping back & sharing my blog with others. I loved this post and the other blogs you have mentioned. Def going to have to check them out.
Whenever you get around to a post, just let me know. The guest post opportunity is always available. 🙂
Thank you Sarah! Glad you like it. I sure will. I have been thinking about it, but just having some trouble getting it all on paper, rather a document! Same to you too – if ever you think you want to do a guest post, let me know! And I’m open to any od posts you might have too. 😀
Hi, enjoyed your write up for this assignment, thought it was very well done – and hope you don’t mind but I’m hoping to feature a link to this post in an article on the after class party group site – you’re very welcome to join us as a guest author / contributor and for buddying within a group from Blogging201 Feb2015 – I’m getting round to author invitations but you can contact me in the meantime if you’re interested. Best wishes, Stu
Hello Stu! Thanks for dropping by and your kind words. Sure, go right ahead and link up – I don’t mind at all! 😀 I” definitely be interested to ne apart of your after class party group site. Thanks again for thinking of me.