January 29, 2015
#Blogging 101: Adding a New Page
Pages…pages…! How many pages would be considered too many for a blog?
I don’t really have an answer to that and I *thought* that I already have enough pages to keep things simple. But now that I think of it, the recent #Blogging 101 assignment of adding another page sparked off a thought in my head that perhaps, I should just add another page to showcase some posts from my archives that could be a useful resource to my readers.
They are, of course, arbitrary and wholly subjected to my own, personal judgement. However, given that I have actually been blogging for quite a while with practically no readers to boast off and only recently gained a little following (thanks to Blogging 101), adding another page to highlight “Best Of” could be a start to highlight some contents which I consider as evergreen.
The only annoying part of this whole thing was that I had to back-track quite a bit of posts and most of them had back-links to my old blog site…which means I had to spend quite a bit of time trying to update the links because I haven’t got my shit together since I migrated to wordpress.
And I’m talking about links, after links, after links and within a link! Not very fun and I was huffing and puffing trying to do that, already losing my patience after an hour into this. Surely there’s a better way to do this! (Well. There is! Being the geek that Silver Bullet is, he discovered some nifty ways to help me with old link-backs, and hopefully I can tackle the other 80% at half the time. Yay!)
That was some hard work there, updating those link-backs. Dammit.
I’ll still want to customise the look of my “Best Of” page and had wanted to try figure out on how to create menus. But! after the agonising back-linking for hours, for now I figured I’ll keep it simple with just a text-based page just to have the page up first, and linking the page to a half-past-six-looking widget on my sidebar.
It still needs some work in my opinion, but that’ll do for now because I’m running out of steam!
I hope you’ll saunter over to my half-past-six-looking “Best Of” page and check out some of the posts there. We can agree to amicably disagree. Looking forward to have your views on Grubbs ‘n Critters. 🙂

#Blogging 101, #Addingapage