May 29, 2017
From the Backyard: Going Green
If there is anyone in our family who has a green thumb, that person is definitely not me.
You see…I’m terrible with growing plants. They are likely to be dead under my watch and I’m convinced of the demise I would bring to plants since the day I killed my mom’s cactus. I was in my 20s then. Cactus! Who’d have thought.
What I’m good at though, is using some of these plants to cook. I do love the thought of being able to pluck things fresh from the garden for my cooking. That’s that.
And this is where Silver Bullet comes in for he loves growing stuff to not only prettify the garden, but also to be able to fuel my cooking for the dishes that he likes.
So after months of contemplation, Silver Bullet decided that it was time for him to dig up a small area in our backyard. It took him 2 weekends to remove the tiles, dig up the sand, put in the barrier and cover it back with soil.
This was, his work and his alone. The resident gardener has been hard at work.

OK. The kids did help. I did jack all; except taking photos and be the perpetual plucker of the raw ingredients for my cooking. Silver Bullet is happy to tend to the garden, and I am happy to pluck away to my heart’s content. It works well that way.
Having a nice little garden with lots of bloom is truly a sight for the sore eyes. Pop by if you are in the area.
If the weather is good, I’ll lay out a spread and we’ll chat over coffee or any drinks of your choice. We’ll even let you leave with some organically grown beets, cherry tomatoes, sage, turmeric, rockets, strawberries as well as other stuff that we might just be growing in this little garden of ours.
Oh! We got the BBQ going too. All in good fun! What say you?

A wonderful idea of your hubby’s. A garden is a lovely thing to have and very good for the kids too.
Thanks Robbie! He is always into gardening and I’m blessed he likes doing it. The kids certainly have been helpful with watering the garden. ๐
We started our plants weeks ago inside. They’ve been knock over a couple times by a clumsy kid, but hopefully they’ll still grow big. Enjoy that fresh food!
Plants and kids…indoor..hmmmm..if you have a hardy one, I’m sure it will survive. Somehow. We havv a few pots in our home, one a huge aloe vera plant and the branches keep breaking, because you know, clumsy kids! :p
I can’t wait for the fresh food to grow! ๐
Looks awesome! Sadly the plants in our fairy gardens have died! Guess, I will be buying some more flowers to plant for those darn fairies ๐
Hahahaha! Thanks April! Now that’s a nice term to use: Fairy Gardens! ๐ I enjoy buying the flowers, but I do find it labour intensive to take care of plants…:p
He did a wonderful job! It looks so nice. Your little plants will cover your garden in no time. It’s so rewarding growing your own vegetables. But somehow by the middle of August, I get tired taking care of it, lol. Enjoy fruits of his labor ๐
Right? I like the looks of it too. He is now thinking of digging up the other side….I’m not so sure I want to sacrifice our space! I’m with you when it comes to August…I also have no patience to take care of plants in the long run. I’ll let my husband do that and I’ll continue to enjoy the fruits of his labour (which he eventually gets to eat. :p)
Looks great!! Hopefully the rodents and birds will stay away and you’ll have max yield!!!