September 1, 2012
Baby Swimming: Squirt
It looks like it is never too young to start infant swimming. Squirt started his very 1st infant swimming lesson on the day he turned exactly 3 months!
Squirt’s swimming lessons started way earlier than we had expected as his spot was literally confirmed just a few days ago. It was a surprise for us to be able to start this early, really. Even though I did an early registration this time round, it was for the anticipation of having to be in the queue for available spots. That being said, we certainly did not expect them to give him a spot almost right away. I remember that in the case of Spud’s swimming lessons, we had to wait for more than 3 months before they could confirm a spot for us.
But hey! I’m not complaining. His first session was somewhat lukewarm. There were moments where he seemed to be really happy, and there were moments where he got cranky, fussed quite a lot and was a little bit of a Mr. Floppy Head still. In any case, he got out of the pool unscathed.
My take is that it probably is a good thing that Squirt is exposed to such things early. Besides, he has the same fabulous swimming instructor as Spud does. I reckon, with his experience with infants and if we keep this up, we’ll have another water rat coming our way in no time at all.
Here are a few candid shots from Squirt’s first swimming session: