June 20, 2015

Awards: Better Late Than Never!

Category: Awards

The heat is on and my pants is on fire from excitement! Here’s why:

The honour bestowed from such esteemed bloggers on a small-time blogger like me could not be more motivating to continue doing what I do. Dear me! My footer is running out of space!But hey! Why say no to a pat on the back right!

So thank you, thank you, thank you my dear blogging friends for the nomination. You not only have given me another reason to display more award logos on my blog, you have also given me the opportunity to shout out to other bloggers out there who deserve to be credited.

Some of the award nominations dated several months back and they’ve been on the back-burner on my to-do list. Somehow, I just didn’t and couldn’t get around to acknowledging them…partly because of time and in part, I am not so sure if I am deserving of them.

The conundrum comes if I should answer them separately (which would be a bit too much to write and too many posts focused on awards that I’m afraid would make readers puke!) or group each awards accordingly, writing them out into several posts (and still too many award posts!). 

So…after a little deliberation, I have decided to combine the awards nominations into 1 post. And, with the 5 different sets of questions across the various awards, I thought that I’d randomly select 3 questions from each blogger’s nomination.

So without further ado, here are my answers if you care to read. Otherwise, skip away and scroll down for my nomination as you might just be one of them!

  1. Tea of Coffee? (Estelea): Coffee!Coffee!Coffee! Although I wouldn’t mind tea every other day.
  2. Highlight of this year (Estelea): Being able to travel to exotic places on business trips! I covered Budapest, Prague and Lisbon in a span of 4 months!
  3. Favourite Quote or Book (Estelea): This has got to be Shantaram. Incidentally, one of my favourite quotes also comes from the book: “A dream is a place where a wish and a fear meet. When the wish and fear are exactly the same, we call the dream a nightmare”
  4. Where do you source your inspiration from whether it be in life or writing? (Tiny Expats): My travels, my kids who have been giving me lots of inspiration to write about, the people I meet as well as the blogs I read. And food, of course!
  5. What is your favourite colour and how does it inspire you? (Tiny Expats): I’ve always loved the colour Maroon. It’s not loud, seems to pack a mysterious undertone, yet so grounded and warm. The colour inspires me to be less “normal” and always look for a gem within that understated tone.
  6. What is the last book that you read and how did it make you feel? (Tiny Expats): Curious George and a Birthday Surprise by Margaret Rey – the new chosen bedtime story for the kids, and the only book I have the time for at the end of the day. There’s something about George that makes me feel alive! It’s great to be a monkey!
  7. Where were you born? (Ritu): The clinically clean city, Singapore
  8. How many countries have you visited? (Ritu): At least 10 20…but still not enough! There are still so many places I haven’t been to!
  9. Can you play an instrument of? (Ritu): Does the triangle count? No, I’m an instrument idiot. 🙂
  10. What one thing is guaranteed to make you cry? (Ritu): Onions. Damn onions!
  11. What would you say is your favourite restaurant? (Ritu): It has got to be my new-found Chilli Restaurant in Prague! Click here if you missed the post. Shame it’s so far away. 🙁
  12. What is the word/phrase that you use way too much? (Ritu): “Don’t forget to chew your food!” I say this at least 5x in a span of 3 minutes at breakfast, lunch and dinner to my kids. If only they would eat their meals like they chomp on their M&Ms!


7 Facts in response to Lovely Blog Awards:

  1. I was born premature at barely 7 months out of my mother’s womb
  2. Which probably explains a puny me, standing at only 1.55 cm in height
  3. I have a thing for wedges and platform shoes
  4. I generally do not like shopping
  5. But I don’t mind shopping for furniture and household items
  6. Jade is my favourite jewellery
  7. I am done with peeing quicker than most men I know


Now that’s done, here’s my nomination for each of the Awards:

1. Sisterhood of The World Awards


This is my tribute to bloggers who took the time to drop me a comment on my blog every now then,  and/or tirelessly reply to every single comments left on their blogs! I know you may have already been nominated and accepted this for the 100th time, and this is just my way of saying a kazillion thanks!

P.S: Eric, this would have gone to you, too if not for the “Sisterhood”  title that comes with it!

The rules:

  • Provide the link to the person who nominated you, linking their blog to your post.
  • Answer the 10 questions given to you. Just refer to the questions above and pick any 10 you wish to answer.
  • Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers  and let them know they have been nominated.
  • Include the Award Badge in your post (choose either one of the above!)


2. Lovely Blog Award


Lovely Blog Award goes to my new-found list of bloggers in the last few months who have contributed to the colours in my  little blogging world in one way or another. I just want to give a shout-out to the following as even though I may not have left any comments on some, I did read some of your posts:

This award has got the easiest rules:

  • List 7 facts About yourself
  • Nominate 15 others
  • Don’t forget to grab the logo


3. Liebster Awards


The Liebster Award: Liebster  is a German word for dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kind”. If you have been selected, it just means that your blog is just as stated above. It is also an award meant for new bloggers with less than 200 followers. You can agree to disagree and I hope you’ll continue writing and gaining more followers! 🙂


The Rules:

  1. Link the person who nominated you to your blog post and let them know you answered their questions.
  2. Answer 10 questions given to you. Just refer to the questions above and pick any 10 you wish to answer.
  3. Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers (I’m passing it to 5) and let them know they have been nominated.
  4. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer
  5. Include the Award Badge in your post.


Phew! Was that a long one or what. Again, no obligation in accepting this “chain-award” and my apologies if you happen to have a no-award rule on your blog, but I can’t help giving you a shout-out just because! Besides, it’s fun.

That said, congratulations and over to you to spread all the lovin’!

Posted by:    |    19 Comment
  1. Ritu

    Thank you and congratulations!!!!

    • Welcome, Ritu! Thanks to you too. And I take it that the ping back didn’t work as it seemed to happened a few times.

  2. Congrats on all the amazing awards – all very well-deserved! 🙂
    Thank you kindly for thinking of me.
    Hope this day treats you well. 🙂

    • Thanks Donna! This has been fun, and you have been a good read. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend too. 🙂

  3. So many awards to sort out :)) But you do deserve them all and then some! Congrats!

    • Thanks Yulliya! i can imagine why you “retire” from it…it’s hard work to respond. But it’s been fun and I finally got my act together on this one! LOL. Hope you are having an amazing week!

  4. Congratulations on your lovely and well-deserved awards! Thank you for sending some of that blog love in my direction- it has definitely brought a smile today! Best, Karen

    • Thanks Karen! 🙂 I’m glad to bring some smile over your way! Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

  5. Thank you! Always an honor!

  6. Thank you so much!! Congratulations to you on your awards!! I always enjoy receiving them 🙂 I may follow your lead and do one big post since I have a couple waiting in the wings as well. Thanks again!

    • My pleasure, Autumn! I’m always a little wary if people actually appreciate such awards and I’m glad you enjoy getting them. By all means, go ahead with one big post! 😀 Have a fabulous weekend!

  7. Thank you, Ann, for nominating me for One Lovely Blog Award! I am thrilled!
    It was nice to meet you better through reading your answers 🙂 #7 got me laughing out loud! I’m the opposite – there are usually 2-3 occupants exchanged in the stall next to me by the time I’m done peeing. TMI? Now you know more about me than most people I know, ha! I will post my 7 things soon, I promise. 😀

    • Ooooh..you are most welcome, Jas! 😀 AHa! you are one of “those” and I’ll be doing my pee-dance while waiting! LOL I always wonder why women take so long in the loo. haaahaaa!

      Looking forward to read your 7 things!

  8. I’ve made it to the BIG TIME now being Famous on Grubbs ‘n Critters. I’ll have to think of some good questions for my nominees. 🙂 Thank you!

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