February 19, 2009
Ass kisser
It was one of those days today where I decided to skip lunch and go for an hour of a well-deserved foot massage, 20 floors down from my office. Ahh! The convenience of such luxury…
As soon as I plopped my ass on the comfy massage chair, I would promptly closed my eyes to avoid the inane chit-chatting with the masseuse. More often than not, I’m just pretending to be asleep, although my mind tend to wonder off to La-La Land. Strangely, although I go the same place quite often during my lunch break, I never got the same masseuse. It is also one of those days today where my masseuse was trying her darnest to get some reaction from me by telling me a few things as she started working on my feet. Henceforth, forcing me to open my eyes and give her a weak smile each time she said something.
What made me more uncomfortable than anything was when she decided to tell me “Khun same same Thai. La gôr, Khun sŭay nah…sŭay mak ni, more beeetifut than Thai” several times over and over. Generally, I don’t deal with compliments of my looks too well. Especially, when I know that most times, I look like crap when I’m in the office. I have zero make-up on and unless I have to go for a meeting, I would only prim myself up on the way to the client’s place. I’m baffled by all this nonsense, but already a few masseuses have said that to me. Honestly, I do look like a car wreck on most days and I don’t give a rat’s ass. So, for anyone to compliment me like that on my normal working day, while I have to admit is rather flattering, is really a big, fat liar. I do think though that they are just kissing my ass – probably hoping for a big, fat tip at the end of the session by their senseless compliments. Well, when they asked me how the massage was for me after the time is up, I said it’s good. Sometimes, I give them a big, fat lie.