November 30, 2011
A much overdue afternoon nap
I don’t know how long it has been, but it must have been at least 16 months I last since had an almost 1.5 hours nap.
Yes – a nap.
On a weekend.
On a Sunday afternoon.
During one of the rare times when Spud napped for more than an hour. In her own bed.
I just crashed on the couch right after we put her in bed. It was bliss.
I almost did not want to wake up from my slumber when Spud woke up from hers – and she usually spends another good hour being cranky and grumpy when she wakes up from her nap.
I had another 5-minuter snooze as Silver Bullet go pick her up from her bed with Spud, all ready to be cranky in her usual fashion. But for me, it was a nap that was long-coming. It felt so good.
I wish we have more such predictable Sunday nap times. It feels so peaceful when Spud goes down for her afternoon nap. But of course, that is just wishful thinking!
(OK.You can argue that Silver Bullet and I can always take turn to nap, but honestly, given that I am the one who usually needs more nap, it almost seems unfair to dump Spud on to Silver Bullet. Besides, as much as Spud tires us, I really do want to spend more time with her given weekends are the only time we have exclusively with her for some quality family time. Hence if she does not rest, it is hard for us too, as well)