January 15, 2009

A knack for foul smell

Category: Random

Call me weird, but yes! My sense of smell is a little bit screwy. Most times, I can’t quite pick out scents and even when I’m cooking away, the fragrance from the food on the stove somehow evades me. But, when it comes to bad, foul smell…oh boy! I can pick them up a mile away. I think it’s a curse! I’m most susceptible to body odour, armpit smell, foul smelling pee and the likes of it. Most of the time, I can pick out people who don’t shower in the morning. There’s this sour, stale smell that lingers and unfortunately, they tend to lurk near me in really crowded places like the elevator and inside BTS train where I hardly would have any space to run away. Holding my breath, I can’t help but wonder how can they not notice it! They stink to high heavens!

I’m your walking foul-smell tracker. Guaranteed results. So if you are smelly, get away from me. Or you’ll hear no end of it! :p

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