March 3, 2009

692 and counting

Category: Random

Finally got round to fiddling with my new gadget, a birthday gift from far away Holland. 692 is the number of songs currently uploaded in my Ipod Nano. That’s worth 2.1 days of non-stop music! There’s still 2.5 GB worth of empty space left where I can still upload photos and movies! The battery life actually lasted more than 8 hours and that’s just amazing. Nano is of no comparison to my 5-year old 1st generation Ipod Mini, which was officially discontinued sometime in 2005. I remember having to fork out more than SGD 300 (I think!) when Ipod Mini first came out and it only had 4 GB with no other fancy functions – just music. I also had spent a fortune on Altec Lansing speakers specifically for Ipods because it was the only one (then) that could dock an Ipod, making it look even more cool (then!). It lasted me quite a while that Mini, until 3 years ago when the bugger refused to work unless connected to a power source. Simply because, the battery has gone kaput and it was perpetually docked to the Altec Lansing so I could listen to some music at work. Even at its peak, the battery life lasted no more than just a few hours when fully charged.

Next to the Nano, the Mini looked a tad gargantuan and dare I say, UGLY! Oh well, the Mini has run its course and I’m wondering if I should try to sell it. Perhaps, if I keep it for a few more years, it will become an antique? My only issue with Ipods is that you can’t use it interchangeably with Mac and Windows. Not that I’m still using Mac, but still, they should do something about that. Oh! and I found out that my Altec Lansing speakers, while can still be used for Nano, cannot be used to charge the Nano’s battery. WTF!

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  1. Scam!!! Con artists!!!


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