June 7, 2012
22 months update
Category: Spud: Stories and Updates
Spud’s been promoted!
At 22 months, she has clinched herself a title of being The Big Sister to Squirt. How is she faring so far?
Well, to be fair, it has only been a few days since we got home. And so far, Spud has not really shown any signs of rejection towards Squirt. In fact, Spud appears to have been accepting of Squirt, acknowledging him as “Baby Brother” and giving him kisses every now and again.
We try to maintain her normal routine as much as possible, but we also know that she perhaps sense some things are a little bit “off”. (Like how come both her parents are home for the whole day?!). She has also been a lot more whiney than her usual whiney self. And honestly, I am not sure if she is crying out for attention more than anything else, or if her (new) teeth are bothering her.
Apart from that, Spud’s vocabulary continues to explode, along with her insatiable curiosity and strong opinions which currently create some challenges and more than a little drama.
It will be interesting to see how she further develops as more drama unfold right before my eyes as I temporarily relinquish myself off the corporate world to be a temporary stay-home mom for the next 3 months.
Posted by: Ann GrubbsnCritters | 2 Comment
congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt read your blog for a month and I see this piece of wonderful news! my kids are 22 months apart too! It is mighty tiring isn’t it? Being preggers and having a demanding toddler at the same time! Have fun with 2!
thank you Boo! tiring is an understatement. 😀