February 9, 2016

My 2-Baht Worth on Pinterest

Category: Blogging

Yesterday’s re-blog on pinterest where Eric has made a group board for you to leave your posts by pinning on the “Board of Blogs” to bridge the gap between blogging and pinteresting got me thinking.

You see, I have been using Pinterest for a while now, but I mainly use it to pin recipes for when I need some cooking inspiration. It’s an easy place to pin stuff that works like a bookmark archive, making it easy for me to check back later for when there is a need to. 

Apart from that, I don’t do a whole lot there other than pin mostly recipes which I like or found to be interesting to try as I haven’t really gotten around to figure it all out. I really don’t do much on Pinterest to save my life.

With the contributor board, I’m hoping to learn how I can use it better; bandwidth permitting.

What struck me then that besides recipes, it’s actually the perfect place to remind me of posts that I really do want to spend time reading but did not have the time to when the bloggers I follow publish their new posts. It is also obvious that with something like Pinterest, it makes it easier to pin blogs posts which I personally like and/or, use it as a personal, albeit a public bookmark to pin posts for future reference. All in one place. 

That way, I can clear my emails quicker as it bugs me to see tons of unread posts which I want to read but couldn’t get around to or mails that were read but left undeleted because I know there would be a point in time where I want to refer back to. As the list grew, because I don’t organise my mails well enough, it takes time to search for that one message. 

With pinterest boards, it saves me the sanity of trying to remember where the heck I have seen that one or two posts before or who wrote it. It’s a time saver in trying to scroll through WordPress reader or my email to scour through the tons of posts.

Now why did I not think of that before? DUH, right. Thanks, Eric!

For now, there are loads of recipes on my boards, but this will soon be more than just food and recipes. So feel free to mosey around. You can find me @https://www.pinterest.com/grubsncritters/

Note the use of one “b” in my username instead of my registered grubbsncritters.

The story is that I actually have 2 accounts, but I had to register a new one when about a year ago, I somehow managed to lock myself out of that account because I had accidentally mistyped my email address when I updated my profile and then forgetting my password.

There was probably an extra or 1 less letter in my “updated” email address and I don’t know where in the address that letter appeared or being cut off. And so, without a matching password, I could never log-in with my non-existent “updated” email address.

Pinterest support staff can’t help me after back and forth conversation simply because of this: I did not (and still do not) know what the “updated” email address was because of a stupid typo error! Smartest thing I have ever done.

Lesson learned:  Never try to change profile settings with a touch-screen mobile phone! Especially not when you are in a hurry and have no patience to spare.

Google Image

OK. Let’s see where Pinterest would take us. See you there!

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