February 28, 2016

Sunday Humour: Slothing Around

Category: Movie

Have you seen Zootopia? If you haven’t yet, this is one hell of a good movie to bring your kids to.

There was this one particular scene involving sloths that had me laughing so hard till I had tears in my eyes. It the perfect depiction of most government bodies around the world; one that would resonate with many of us.

So bloody hilarious that I just have to share this. You have to watch this 3:26 minutes video:

 Our kids loved it and they have been imitating the sloth quite often these days to amuse themselves (and us!) since we watched it.

I love sloths (the animals!) and the uncanny resemblance to most government bodies have never been so glaring. Brilliant!

To the sloths (the animals)! May your week is not as slow-going as this one. If so, then bless you. 

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  1. I had no idea a sloth might be a good pet.

    • LOL! Cute (and slow) enough to be one. The thing is though, I am not surprised if there are people who keep them as one! ๐Ÿ™

  2. I totally want to see this now! (ps. in case you don’t get the pingback, I’m sharing this on my Sunday Share this evening (or whatever time it is there in Thailand – Monday Morning there, I just looked it up)

    • You really have to watch it! Very enjoyable. No pingback, but I did see your Sunday share and moseyed into other sites. 1st thing Monday morning before the madness begins. ๐Ÿ˜€


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