June 5, 2016

Sunday Humour: The One with Nuts

Category: Entertainment

This was seen in a very upmarket, VIP-only movie theatre lounge in Bangkok where all the food in the luxuriously decorated lounge were labelled accordingly and can be consumed for free:


Grubbs ‘n Critters ยฉ March 2016


I’ll be damned. Who would have thought that cashews would contain nuts, right! That’s pretty nutso.

Yep. Roll your eyeballs, my friends. Roll ’em real good. Here’s to a nutty week ahead and don’t you touch those cashews and go nutty on me. 

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  1. That’s just plain nuts! Thanks captain obvious for telling us that peanuts and cashews contain nuts. Too funny!

    • Silver Bullet was just telling me that he was being reminded of a sign with “contains egg” at an egg station! LOL. In Thailand, of course. :p More captain obvious moments there!

  2. Okay, this would made me giggle! Hello captain obvious ๐Ÿ˜‰


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