April 22, 2014
When I read the synopsis of this movie starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney when I was on the plane, I had somewhat did an eyeball roll and thought that the story line was pretty lame. I did a glance over and had no intention to watch it.
But then, something caught my eyes: It was the stunning visual of earth and space in the universe. If anything that held me on to my seat was really the sheer brilliance of the visual effect depicted in that movie. And somehow, once I started watching the first 10 minutes of it, I was hooked mainly to the images surrounding that movie. I still think the story line was pretty lame.
Recently though, I came across a site featuring a silly deleted” scene that changes the entire movie. Having seen the original Gravity movie, this scene done by someone super brilliant out there featuring the late Christopher Reeve, brought me some pleasant laughter.
You just have gotta hop over to this site here to get what I mean. It is brilliant!