April 11, 2012

Framed memories: The 4th Year

Category: Family life

We did it again.

For the fourth year in a row.

Both Silver Bullet and I completely forgot that it is our wedding anniversary today. Hah!

And the only reason I remembered was because I received an e-greeting card in my mailbox today from Silver Bullet’s parents. My first thought was why did his mother send me a greeting card? What is the occasion? Was it because she knew I had been unwell in the last few days – and if so, that is sweet, but still…that could not be it!

And when I clicked on the link, I saw this:

Gosh! That triggered it and I laughed myself silly. It was not only to me (duh!), it was for both Silver Bullet AND me.

I immediately called Silver Bullet to inform him that we forgot something again today (he immediately went “what?! did Spud leave something in the car?”), went on to tell him about the card, wishing him a Happy Anniversary, and went on to laugh our asses off for forgetting yet again…

Ahh! Such forgetfulness is so classic for us, and honestly, I don’t think either of us actually really thought about our anniversary at all in the last week or so. We certainly did not talk about it as far as I remember. 

Although, a nice feeling came over me after being reminded about it (thanks Mom & Dad!). I was then tempted to look at some of our wedding photos which I still have on my desktop , and was then duly reminded that I actually did a video montage which I had put together post our wedding.

I had produced 2 versions then, with one already posted up here.

It HAS been four years, indeed. I feel so blessed to not only have such a wonderful man for a husband, but also that we both are still blissfully married (with more years to come, hopefully!) with a tot in tow.

Looking back at the videos, I think I now have a reason to put up the other version (which I have conveniently forgotten about), for commemorative purposes in lieu of our 4th Wedding Anniversary.

I’m thinking I should also convert our little wedding slide show which I did on PowerPoint  for our wedding day to an mpeg version one of these days

The pictures in the video still makes me smile and, it brought back so many nice memories during the photo shoot for our wedding.

It is just a shame that I won’t be able to look as good and/or slim as I did before…Anyways, here you go. Enjoy!

Images on this video courtesy of J&C Bridals Photographe, Singapore

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  1. fadzlon

    Happy Anniversary to both of you.

    from mom

  2. thank you Mom! 🙂


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