July 8, 2016

Fabulous Friday Flavour: Jellyfish Shot by All That’s Jas

How often do you get jellyfish in your drink? Fancy a drink with one? I thought so. Have a look at this:

Photo Credit: All That’s Jas


Now, I hardly ever post anything that has got to do with alcohol, but with this one I can’t resist as it is too beautiful not to share with the world. Don’t you agree?

Besides, I’m only too happy to feature yet another fantastic creation from the awesome and talented blogger,  Jas of All Trade who not only has made a recipe out of this but enlighten us with a little science in drinks for this week Fabulous Friday Feature.

Keep the ingredients refrigerated before mixing. Fill half of a shot glass with Crème de Cacao. Top with a layer of amaretto and then Bailey’s, best pouring slowly over a teaspoon. To finish, add drops of grenadine and watch tentacles forming underneath the amaretto layer. Way too cool!

Hell yeah! I agree this is way, way too cool.  I may not have a need for this, but I’m sure someone out there does. Jas advises against using ice or you will not be able to see the jellyfish effect. There! That’s all science for you. 

You know what else is cool?

Jas has now published her first and very own e-book featuring home-made Balkan Cuisines and it is now available for purchase at only $2.99 from Amazon offers. There are over 50 flavorful recipes with mouthwatering photos of dishes from the Balkan region and I assure you that if you have seen her photography on her blog, you’ll be in awe at all the amazing pictures she has taken.

Do hop over to her Jellyfish Shot and Cookbook post and leave her some bloggily love. Better yet, purchase her book. Imagine all those back-breaking work she has done and I’m so excited for her. I heard she’s going to have them on paperbacks too. 

Meantime, here’s a recipe shout-out from Jas and her amazing (and possibly dangerous!) concoction:

Jellyfish Shot
Fun and exquisite drink to celebrate with. All you need is a splash of this and a drop of that.
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  1. Crème de Cacao (white)
  2. Amaretto Disaronno
  3. Bailey’s Irish Cream
  4. Grenadine
  1. Keep the ingredients refrigerated before mixing.
  2. Fill half of a shot glass with Crème de Cacao.
  3. Top with a layer of amaretto and then Bailey’s, best pouring slowly over a teaspoon.
  4. To finish, add drops of grenadine and watch tentacles form underneath the amaretto layer.
  1. Cool the ingredients before mixing them. You really shouldn’t use ice or you won’t get the jellyfish effect
Adapted from All That's Jas
Adapted from All That's Jas
Grubbs n Critters https://grubbsncritters.com/


With such a talented blogger like Jas, we’ll never ever have to worry about running out of recipes for food and drinks. She’s also been an inspiration and everything she writes about oozes love. She has inevitably planted some seeds in my head that perhaps, one day I may just compile some or all of my recipes and make an e-book out of it.


One day.

When the stars are aligned.

or when there are jellyfish in my drink.

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  1. Ann, you’re an angel! Thank you so much for sharing my post (and promoting my book which, btw, is available in print both on Amazon and Barnes & Noble).
    It is such an honor to be featured on your blog and I can’t thank you enough! If you ever need anything, just holler! I’d jump in fire for you 🙂
    Much love across the Globe 😀

    • You are most welcome, Jas! It was my pleasure to feature and besides, I really love how your jellyfish looked. I hope your book will fly off the shelves!!! (And I have to laugh at jump in the fire!) xoxoxo.


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