February 29, 2012

Delete Google Browsing History!

Category: Random

This is scary stuff.

Effective 1st March 2012 (which is literally not more than 1.5 hours away as I am writing this), Google will have a new privacy policy that allows it to gather, store and use personal information which you are NOT ALLOWED to opt out of without abandoning Google altogether.

That means, Google will have the ability to track your every move. So to protect your privacy, you can delete your browsing history by doing the following steps:

1. Go to the google homepage and sign into your account.

2. Click the dropdown menu next to your name in the upper-right hand corner of your screen.

3. Click accounts settings

4. Find the “Services section”

5. Under “Services” there is a sub-section that reads “View, enable, disable web history.” Click the link next to it that reads: “Go to Web History.”

6. Click on “Remove all Web History”

When you click on “Remove all Web History,” a message appears that says ” Web History is Paused.” What this means is that while Google will continue gathering and storing information about your web history it will make all data anonymous, that is, Google will not associate your Web History information with your online accounts and will therefore be unable to send you customized search results.

Provided you do this BEFORE 31st of March. Hurry!

I wish I had known about this earlier.As a digital consumer, I am hopping mad! It really is a violation of my privacy rights.

Original sources of articles are from here and here.

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