October 20, 2011

5 Baby Must-Haves

Category: Baby Essentials

Since becoming a mom, I realized there are several things which I thought are probably the world’s greatest invention. They have become a must-have and  I am so dependent on them that I am convinced that these are certainly my list of things which I cannot live without.

Here is my list in no particular order for anytime, any where:

#1: Wet Wipes. Wet Wipes. Wet Wipes.

Yes, as silly as it sounds, wet wipes are the greatest invention since sliced bread. Our drawers are filled with packs and packs of wet wipes, and we make sure that we stock them up well – different brands, different sizes…we have it all! We always have a few lying around that is within our reach for when we need them, and I make sure that I have a few travel-sized wet-wipes in her tote bag, too.

Why such obsession you ask? Well, we use wet wipes for nearly everything – from cleaning her bottom, to wiping the table and utensils, to wiping Spud’s face and hands during and after meal times, use it to clean our hands, to clean up all the food which Spud spills on the floor and on the table and on the chair…you name it, wipes after wipes after wipes.

We probably have used wet wipes for nearly everything!

#2: Muslin Squares

A square piece of cloth for everything! From a swaddle when babies are much smaller, to a burp cloth, to covering my modesty while breast-feeding, a make-shift bib, as a protective layer under the head for the car seat or stroller, as a shade from the sun, as a comfort cloth by putting it over Spud’s head and eyes if we want to get Spud to sleep while we are out and about, to cleaning the floor after spilling some milk.

They look very boring and unassuming, but they are just god-send! I particularly like the printed ones.

It is not surprising that we have lost a few along the way…

#3: Calendula Cream

The miracle cream for everything!

Recommended by Blogger Boo who commented on one of my posts (she swears by it!), this is the very cream which cured Spud’s eczema within days once upon a time, when all other things just failed to work.

Since then, it has proven to be a very effective remedy against strange looking marks, bites scratches, as well as the occasional nappy rash.

It is expensive, but I have never looked back since. Certainly money well-spent.

#4: Sudo Crème

Imported all the way from Holland, this always works when Spud has a flare..works wonders all the time. So good that I dedicated an entire post to it

#5: The Wrap or Mei-tai

They are my life-saver!

Not only it is a good means of transporting Spud from one place to another while attached to me, it also allows me to have my hands free for other tasks while Spud stays secure on me. In the early days when Spud was still a little baby, wearing her was the only way to get her to take her naps, or so that I can get on with other things.

Spud still enjoys being worn, and there are some days when she just cannot wait to get into The Wrap when she sees it in plain sight.

Silver Bullet recently made a remark, wondering if his wearing Spud all this while, have actually contributed to a better father-daughter bonding. I certainly think so, and I definitely can see Spud bonding well with her Papa and feeling very at ease with him.

Sure there are other baby things which I can add on to the list, but if I have to choose, these 5 things certainly rank very high on my list. What would my life be without them!

What are your must-haves?

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  1. Baby wipes, for sure. I use those for everything too. Mathieu has picked up the habit and now uses it clean table tops, windows, etc in an attempt to clean up the apartment!

    We have Sudo Cream in Australia too! Locally made!

    The other must-have is Paw Paw. I use it for everything from cuts, to dry skin and even cracked nipples when bf-ing. Miracle!

  2. I haven’t heard of Paw Paw from this side of the world! Sounds like an equivalent of calendula.

    Good on Mathieu..u’ve got your own little helper! hehee! very soon, you can make him wash the dishes and vacuum the floor! :p

  3. Not quite….It’s all natural like Calendula. But it really is a type of papaya – fermented papaya to be precise. Sounds gross but it is tasteless and doesn’t smell. Works on everything! I bought 2 tubs of them to bring over here with me.

    On another note, I hope the rain in Bangkok eases soon. Take care, and keep safe!

  4. trust you to taste them! :p

    Thanks Rach! I’m *really* hoping that this is all paranoia.


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