July 12, 2017

The World

Here’s something to ponder:

Source: Reasons to Stay Alive

This came off from my FB newsfeed a few days ago. This would be one of those newsfeed which I would consider “thumb-stopping” because it stopped me right on my thumb.

It’s true isn’t it?  All those questions?

Especially since in this day and age where immediate gratification is the rule of engagement. And where a pat on the back is to be expected for the slightest effort. Because without the instant gratification and acknowledgement, suddenly we are all worthless.  Social media does that to you. 

What has the world becoming to?

And those are the things that breed depression. 

No, I’m not depressed. Not yet. But if I keep obsessing about the should’ve, would’ve, could’ve, I guess I might as well be. But no. Not yet. Hopefully, never. 

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  1. Whoa, that really makes you think… as you said, it’s a full stop coming from high speed… I had to read it three times and can’t stop thinking how true it is. In regards to getting depressed because of all of this: Yes. I believe even if you are a happy and strong person that is not prone to falling into this deep dark hole you start questioning your life, yourself because of all the “shiny” stuff on social media. Hand on heart: How often do you look at posts of others and think wow, I wish I could be there too, do that too, have that too? It happens automatically. The trick is to know that they too have their issues and that life for everyone is not just one huge up…

    • Because it’s so true, and it hits you and that’s why you have to read it a few time. I did. Still so poignant. I admit I do have the wow! moment when I browse through FB and all the shiny stuff. Most times I’m turned off by the ostentatious-ness and when they get too loud, especially with coutless look-at-me selfies,I mute them. I cannot imagine for people when there come a moment when you think your life is falling apart, the last thing you want to do is scroll through your newsfeed. Because it can be cruel…
      Social media can be a disease if not curbed.

  2. sue

    So many MORE of My Self-Evident Truths are express here!

  3. sue

    Correction… expressED


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