June 28, 2011

Weekend a-tumbling

Category: Baby Milestones

The excitement level last weekend went up a few notches higher as my parenting skills (or the lack of it) were put under a different level of tests as our almost 11-month old baby Spud continues to tumble around, giving herself battle scars of bruises and bumps.

The first was completely my fault. Thinking that Spud now has a better balance, as she has shown that she is capable of turning herself around, feet first, then her bum if she wants to get off the couch, I had, without much thought, stupidly placed her on the sofa and left her there for a few seconds just so I can dump stuff in her tote bag for us to get going to her swimming class.

The moment I turned my back away from her, just about less than a nano-second later…(I heard) THUD! The next thing I knew, I saw Spud tumbling on the floor (of course it had to be that one day where I just did not put the play-mat out!), and in an instant, a loud, “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” followed.

Despite feeling a little frazzled, I decided to wait it out just a little bit, and almost immediately, Spud came crawling to me, bawling her eyes out. As I checked for injury, I discovered a nice bump was starting to form, complete with a dash of a bluish tint on her forehead. Ooopsy! It must have been quite a fall, that. But it was over as soon as it started, and within minutes, she was all smiles again — as if nothing had happened.

I don’t know why I did not put her on the floor; I guess I was just not thinking straight as it has been quite a stressful morning for me. I was just stupidly not thinking. Oh well. I guess she has to fall sometimes, like every other babies on this planet.

On the Sunday, while Spud was playing with my mobile phone in our bed, she then suddenly started wailing. As it turned out, she has accidentally banged up herself on the mobile phone which earned her another bruise on her left cheekbones, underneath her eyes.

Later that afternoon as we tried to settle her for her nap, she decided that it was also a good idea for her to be jumping about in her cot while holding on to the sides/rails. She looked so happy that I excitedly blabbered “Jump, Jump, Spud”, which by no means made her more excited (yes, silly me, I know. But she looked so happy doing it!)

As I turned my back, another “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” came abound. Apparently, she had hit her chinny-chin-chin on the bar of the cot when she started going up and down, and in that instant, gave herself quite a hard knock, as her teeth sunk in the insides of her lower lips. Some comfort and a little blood later, Spud is as good as new.

Ahhhh…the peril of being a parent to a very loopy, active kid!

My weekend has certainly been far from being boring!

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  1. Vicky

    Don’t know whether to laugh or sigh … oh well, that’s what all babies go thru … growing up that is … 😉

  2. First you sigh (in a there she goes again fashion)…then you laugh! Really, really laugh! :p

    But, ok…i can be quite evil. don’t listen to me! :p

  3. Vicky

    Next time must take pix. Can show it to her when she’s all grown up! 😉 Talk about evil … heh heh heh

  4. THAT is eveil! haa..haa!

    Actually, I forgot to mention: First panic (but pretend to be REALLY calm!), then sigh!then laugh.

    But later, u get worried, and then panic mode again (But pretend to be REALLY calm)

    So, by the time I remember to fish out my camera, the incident “basi” liao!


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